'We Europeans Have a Bagful of Culture to Share'

Thursday 28 May 2009

Game of the rooster - Portugal

In Portugal it is known as” The game of the old guy and the old lady".

• The board consists of three rows and three columns.
• Two players have to choose a symbol, usually a circle or a X.
• The players one at the time play with the chosen symbol on a gap that is empty.
• The objective is to achieve three circles or three Xs on a line, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally, and if it is possible, to prevent the opponent to win on the next move. When a player wins, it is normal to delete the three symbols.

The perfect play

If two players always play their best, the game always ends in tie. The logic of the game is very simple, so it is not difficult to finish or memorize all possibilities to make the best move - although the total number of possibilities is very large, most of them is equal, and that the rules are simple. Therefore, it is very common that the game is a draw. A player can easily play a great game following the rules, in order of priority:
In general, the best is to play in the middle and then on the sides because there is a bigger opportunity to block or to win.
1. To Win: If you have two pieces in a row, get the third.
2. To block: If the opponent has two pieces in line, get the third to block it.
3. Triangle: Create an opportunity where you can win in two ways.
4. Block the opponent's Triangle.

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